Elizabeth Walker
Life After Trump
On New Years Eve 2016, Don Lemon from CNN was drunk. I didn’t drink, but I lived through the vision of Don Lemon. He drunk too much as a...
Martha Cecilia Ovadia
Vocation Vampires: #notyou to #metoo & #timesup
Mujer Non-Grata: An Ongoing Series on Life in a Cult, Healing from Religious Trauma Syndrome, and Navigating Life After Religion. To read...

Cary Klemmer, Abby Palia
Reflections on the Shiva Purana: A Call to Yoga Practice
Over the last year I have had the honor of holding continuing dialogues with many exquisite minds who have challenged me and moved my...

The Engaged Gaze Team
We march because we are the resistance. We march because we believe in equality. We march because we will no longer be silent while...

Anjeanette LeBoeuf
Raise Your Voice
The last eight months has seen a spotlight on the endemic, engrained corrupt and abusive environment and people that have been...

Dr. Marie Cartier
Blue (continued writing 48-52)
Editor's Note: Are you ready to wade back into the world of Blue? We won't keep you waiting any longer! Make sure you're up-to-date...
Becca Spence Dobias
Feminist Kid Books
Since the holidays have passed and some of you may have received gifts for your kiddos that you are less than thrilled with, I’d like to...