The Engaged Gaze Team
We march because we are the resistance. We march because we believe in equality. We march because we will no longer be silent while...

Elizabeth Walker
We Are Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman showed us a few things about this political climate: (1) women will lead the way, and (2) men have the choice to follow...
Elizabeth Walker
Vote…Now: The Strong Voting Block of African American Women
Ninety-six percent of all black women voted for Hillary Clinton. That is 9.6 of black women out of 10 black women who voted for Hillary...

Anjeanette LeBoeuf
For Puerto Rico, For America, For Our Very Soul
2017 can’t seem to let up. It seems like disaster hits one after another – both figuratively and actuality. A friend of mine even stated...

Martha Cecilia Ovadia
Resources and action in the wake of the Charlottesville Terrorist Attack
The entire team at Engaged Gaze is at a loss for words over the tragic events in Charlottesville last night. While we do not have...

Anjeanette LeBoeuf
Thoughts on Hamilton Parts I - III
Part I: “History Has Its Eyes on You” Hamilton The Musical, the newest sensation to hit Broadway is sweeping the nation. It is being...

Anjeanette LeBoeuf
We are Mauna Kea: The Continual Protest for Maintaining Sacred Land
It seems like there is a perpetual debate over acquiring land for progress and growth versus the protection of land that has ties to...