Naudika Diaz
This post is part of our ongoing series featuring the works of Professor LeBoeuf 's students in her Introduction to Religions of Asia...
Arthur Caldwell
Hinduism Death Rituals
This post is part of our ongoing series featuring the works of Professor LeBoeuf 's students in her Introduction to Religions of Asia...
Anjeanette LeBoeuf
Raise Your Voice
The last eight months has seen a spotlight on the endemic, engrained corrupt and abusive environment and people that have been...
Becca Spence Dobias
Feminist Kid Books
Since the holidays have passed and some of you may have received gifts for your kiddos that you are less than thrilled with, I’d like to...
Cary Klemmer
Yoga and Other Mindfulness Practices Offer Guiding Light in Violent and Traumatic Times
Recently, it seems we are increasingly assaulted with a barrage of atrocious, saddening and maddening news. Natural disasters such as the...
Kalle Westerling
Queer Pedagogies and Pedagogy for LGBTQ Instructors
On September 11, I was thrilled to host this semester’s first event in the Futures Initiative’s signature series The University Worth...