Chelsea Byers
Disrupting Giuliani - 2 Years Later
Only July 18, 2016, I disrupted Rudy Giuliani's hate-filled Islamophobic speech at the Republican National Convention. These photos...

Amanda Smash Hyde
Jawhara Tariq
Sex As a Woman is Never Carefree
65 million Americans are living with STIs. 1 in 4 Americans will get an STI in their lifetime. In a national survey of US physicians,...

Zoe Nicholson
I am a Sanctuary Person
I have not talked about it much. It is not something I like amplifying. It would not help me or anyone. Like so many, since November 8,...

Anjeanette LeBoeuf
Health Care Woes
I was struggling to figure out a piece for this month’s post and what I kept coming back to is my healthcare journey and the uncertainty...

John Erickson
A Letter to Those I’ve Lost
Dear [Insert Name Here], Something died on November 8, 2016, and I do not think I’ll ever be able to get it back. I sat there, walking...

John Erickson
The Religiosity of Silence
In 2013, I wrote an article about the then latest reality TV scandal featuring A&E’s Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson and his rampant...

Kate Davis
Mark Driscoll and Toxic Christian Masculinity
Mars Hill Church in Seattle has been a large-scale experiment to shape the future of the Evangelical Movement, for good or ill. In recent...